Sending Downloaded Files via FTP in MEDITECH CS NPR Report Writer

  1. Create an NPR Report to produce a downloaded file and add the following... returns the name of the current MEDITECH NPR Procedure is an NPR Programming Macro that can come in handy, especially when...

MEDITECH macro Translation.message creates useful reminders when it translate

@Translation.message is an NPR Programming Macro that can be used in NPR Report...

Understanding MEDITECH MV Arrays

MV (Multi-Value) Arrays allow for the creation of our own "multiples". Often...

How MEDITECH's Operating System interprets programming functions

The Meditech MAGIC programming language (both MAGIC and C/S) includes many...

MEDITECH CS Utility program to modify the length of multiple-field

Meditech has a great utility program in C/S in NUR for modifying the length of...

How Can I pull the time period from MIS.GL.PERIOD on a BAR.REV.PROC report?

In the MEDITECH NPR DPM MIS.GL.PERIOD, there is an index (table) called date.x...

MEDITECH CS NPR utility program for changing the length of a multiple field

Sometimes a field from a Child Segment has multiple lines of free text. Let's...

How can I use the NPR Report Writer to launch Windows applications from MEDITECH CS?

There are two NPR Macros that can either launch a PC-based executable or...