SUB (Substitute Subscript) As a Field Attribute

SUB is a Field Attribute not documented on Meditech's website. It allows you to...

Using the BFI Field Attribute on NPR Report Writer Screens (MAGIC and C/S)

BFI stands for Before Input. BFI attributes can come in pairs, just like FCL...

Alternative Routine for viewing Meditech Data Definitions (MAGIC)

There is an alternative method for viewing Meditech Data Definitions that will...

Using the ID Screen Field Attribute for MEDITECH CS NPR Report Screen lookups

The Process Reports routine has an option for enter/editing Attributes to...

Using WITH=START as a Field Attribute

WITH is a Field Attribute that determines when a field should be evaluated...

Using the WITH footnote

WITH is a Footnote that allows you to specify which Subscript a user-defined...

Use NPR Report to write to the Windows Clipboard (MEDITECH CS)

You can use the following steps to write data to your Windows clipboard from an...

Find ASCII Codes for keystrokes for use with the FD Footnote in MEDITECH CS

The Footnote FD (Field Delimiter) requires you to enter the ASCII code for a...

Detail Segment/Index File information screen during lookup

After pressing <F9> for a lookup for either Detail Segments or Index Files,...