February 28, 2022

Use NPR Report to write to the Windows Clipboard (MEDITECH CS)

You can use the following steps to write data to your Windows clipboard from an NPR Report: 

  1. Add the following Footnotes:
    AL START start
    AL D detail
    AL CLOSE.UP close.up

  2. File and translate your report.
  3. Add a macro called start with the following code, then file and translate.
  4. Add a macro called close.up with the following code, then file and translate.
  5. Add a macro called detail with the following code:

    You can replace DATA with whatever you like.  You can use the NPR macro called @Memory.write to write whatever data you like to the memory buffer.  So you are not limited to just doing this in a detail macro.  The start macro creates the memory buffer and the close.up macro copies it to your Windows clipboard.
  6. Retranslate your report.

Topics: MEDITECH, Report Writing, NPR Report, CS System

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