February 7, 2022

Activate Spy option in Meditech C/S

Meditech's C/S software has a nice function for "spying" on your own "job".  If you are set up with Sign-On Mode PROG in the UNV User dictionary, you will automatically have access to this function.  If you are set up with Sign-On Mode USER, you have to do the following:

  1. Create an NPR Report with Report DPM NPR.PROC and any name you like.
  2. Set up a Report Title like this:
    Replace "report" with the name of your report.
  3. File and translate the report.
  4. Create a macro called s with the following code:
  5. File and translate the macro.

Nothing obvious happens when you run the report.  However, you now have a "Spy" option available to you.  To access it, move your mouse to the title bar of your Meditech Client application and press the Right mouse button.  You now have an option there called "Spy".  You can also access it by pressing <Alt><Spacebar>.

When you select the "Spy" option, a text window appears with the first line of each program you have accessed.  The first line contains the name of the program, along with the release, and other miscellaneous information.  Then the current line of code is shown.  Also, the Symbol Table name is shown (Symbol Table names are always letters:  A, B, C, etc).  Then the list of symbols in each Symbol Table are shown.

This can come in handy when trying to find the name of a CDS and query.  If your cursor is on a query field on a CDS, access the "Spy" option and you will see the mnemonic of both the CDS and the query. 

Topics: Report Writing, NPR Report

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