Add a web page link to NPR Reports printed to web browser is MEDITECH CS

Some C/S sites are set up to allowBrowseras an option for printing reports....

Find ASCII Codes for keystrokes for use with the FD Footnote in MEDITECH CS

The Footnote FD (Field Delimiter) requires you to enter the ASCII code for a...

Activate Spy option in Meditech C/S

Meditech's C/S software has a nice function for "spying" on your own "job". If...

Write NPR Reports to cross-over multiple databases of the same application

Suppose you have multiple BAR databases (BAR.DB1 and BAR.DB2, for instance)....

Print code for $T Macros in Meditech C/S


Print Screens/Reports/Macros/Procedure Logic for NPR Procedures in MEDITECH C/S

  1. Select the Report DPM NPR.PROC
  2. Enter a report name (any name you like)
  3. Page 1...

Print code for $T Programs in Meditech C/S

  1. Select the Report DPM NPR.DOLT
  2. Enter a report name (any name you like)
  3. Page 1...

Accessing useful routine in MEDITECH CS Software is a very useful routine in MEDITECH's C/S software that...

List of MEDITECH and MEDITECH-related application mnemonics

This list which at one time existed at...